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Friday, January 7, 2011

Baby #4

Hello everyone, welcome back to my 100 baby challenge!
I'm on facebook now, if anybody wants to add me :-)!/profile.php?id=100001947632012

Anyways, onto the story!


When we got home that night Lilah had her birthday. She was such an adorable toddler. Although she had her father's skintone, she had my hair and my purple eyes. I think her face shape looked more like mine as well. Sadly, I found out her father was in the criminal career, and so he wouldn't be getting to know her after all. But I was determined to love her enough for the both of us.


Here's the new crib arrangement in the house. After selling the wardrobe I was able to buy two cribs. Gemma would sleep in my room with Lilah and I, and Ruby would sleep in the kitchen until I could build a nursery for them.


Baby #2, Gemma, was a happy baby, when she wasn't fussing. She was just as off and on about sleeping as Lilah. She kept me awake most of the night, between her and my garden, I was exhausted.


Luckily, Ruby was much more mellow. She was a quiet baby, and was content without much social contact. She slept on a regular schedule, with few late night or early morning feedings.


Another streak of luck was that Lilah was now sleeping through the night. Poor girl was pretty annoyed with Gemma's constant screaming.


With all the fiancial issues I was having, I spent any spare time I had where I wasn't falling asleep standing in my garden. I needed to work to afford a crib for the next baby. Luckily I got some help through a lifetime wish, I no longer had to pay bills.


I had seen a man around town who had looked a bit unique, and decided to pay him a visit to be a baby daddy. When I got to the household a pale little blond girl answered. Her name was Katrina, Rina for short, and she was an angel who lived with this man. She told me she'd try to talk him into it, but warned me that Thorn absolutly hated children.


When I saw Thorn, I was amazed. Despite the blood red eyes and pale gray skin, he was a sharp looking man. Rina introduced me to him, and I spent no time cutting to the chase.


He was reluctant to help, and not just because he didn't like children. Turns out he was dating Sarah, my bestie. I knew there was no way I could betray her trust like that.


However, he agreed, telling me that his race needed saving, and that Sarah had talked to him about doing it. Turns out Sarah couldn't have children.


So once he agreed, we got to work right away, and concieved baby #4. He made me promise never to bring the baby around him. I swore up and down I wouldn't, and he requested that if I had a girl, I would name her Cera.


Surprisingly, Sarah and I became even closer friends after, I talked to her on the phone frequently.


I was about to faint, this pregnancy was rough with twin babies and a demanding toddler to raise.


However, I was slowly adjusting to life. Gemma kept me up all night, and I would garden with any spare energy I had. I'd sleep all day, waking up for short peroids to care for the babies and attempt to teach Lilah her skills she would need.
I managed to make enough to add a nursery to the house, and until the new baby arrived, I would have my own room.


Soon I was feeling the contractions hit me hard, and I rang Sarah.


Here's baby #4, my first little boy, Torn Prattle. He has my skintone. He's excitable, and like his father, he's athletic. I couldn't wait to see how he grew up. I was so happy to have my first boy!

Thanks for reading!
Please comment, it means a lot to me!
As I said earlier, you can now add me on facebook. The link is at the beginning of this post. Feel free to chat, recommend names, or suggest your challenge for me to read!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Baby # 2 and 3!!

Hello everyone, and welcome back to my 100 baby challenge. Sorry the story hasn't been updated for awhile, I've been really sick all week. Not to worry though, as I plan to update all the way to where I am in my game (baby #9) soon.


I was so happy to finally begin motherhood. I loved every second I spent with my little girl, and I couldn't wait to have 99 more. The labor hadn't exactly been the beautiful moment some describe, but holding Lilah in my arms was worth it.


Although I will tell you that a baby is a lot of work. Lilah would wake me up every 2 hours for feeding and changing. I loved her to pieces, but she was exhausting. I could hardly wait until she began to sleep through the night.


While I had been pregnant with Lilah I met Dr. Sarah Lynch's roomate, Dan, taking a stroll in the park to find some seeds. I introduced myself and we talked about the challenge, and my pregnancy.


He surprised me by asking me if he could take part in the challenge. He explained that he'd broken up with his long time girl friend, and didn't have much going for him right now. I agreed and told him that he could come visit the baby whenever.


So after Lilah was born, I headed on over right away. We wasted no time and got right down to it. After all, I had a baby at home with a babysitter that I could barely afford. We tried my usual 3 times.


I was very busy the next morning, after throwing up I had to tend to Lilah.


and clean the house.


I soon had my bump, and decided to go get some medical advice with the money I had saved from gardening. I was especially trying to have a smooth pregnancy because I now had fertility treatment, and was hoping for more than one baby. I was hoping for some little boys, Dan seemed like he would be a very involved father, and I could just see him teaching some little boys how to play catch. :-)


A lot of these photos got lost, so unfortunately, we'll have to skip right to my labor. I promise the next updates will be better. :-(
I made a quick phone call to Sarah, who was at the hospital. She started to prepare a room for me and gave a quick ring to Dan, who rushed from his band's gig to the hospital. Now that's the kind of care and concern I hope to raise my children to have!


It wasn't a baby boy. Everyone, I'd like to introduce my 2nd baby, Gemma Prattle. She has my skin tone, although it is a bit more pale green than mine. She's clumsy, and a light sleeper. Being a light sleeper was going to be a big disadvantage in this household.


I did get one of my wishes, multiples. Here's Gemma's twin sister baby #3, Ruby Prattle. Ruby has her dad's skin tone, and Dan melted the moment he saw her. She's easily impressed and a virtuoso. Dan is also a virtuosos.

I'm sorry this chapter was so short, and I promise to make it up to you. You may not see any names you suggested for awhile as I am behind on the blog but ahead in my challenge. I hope you enjoyed reading, feel free to comment on anything you did and didn't like, and keep the names coming! If you want me to read your challenge or story, simply post a link and say so!